Another good trip to France a week in the Lot and then a few days near Lyon with a slow run home via hotel stops.
Here we go again
Friday evening stop
Base for the week (you could of course camp if you like that kind of thing!)
Sue |
Chris (eldest son who lives in France called in to see us) and Thomas |
Bears + Hedgy |
Nick and Landy |
Ready for breakfast Post evening repast |
Pumping |
Thomas at the Truffe |
Me at the Truffe
Nick Me Thomas
Me ready for a ride in a great cycling area. If I could find a local gliding club to fly with what more could I want.
Thomas and helicopter |
Fun on the river
Sue holding position while we look at a cave
Sue in Gramat
Milking time
Run forest run :-)
Nick at the Biel
The source Salmiere (abandoned) 300M from base house.
Crazy golf
Cabouy and below |
Sue and Maureen Igue hunting
Map reading (checking out the nearest patisserie) |
Gary in the Machpied
Second week heading over to see Chris and Maud (well Chris did visit us:-)
A visit to the Facteur Cheval Ideal Palace well worth a visit
Facteur Cheval
Alf ?
Hotel stop on the way home
Sue and Alice Hotel source bleue |
Resurgence Source Bleue under the scum the bluest water I have ever seen View from are room ( we had a nice eight course meal in the restaurant) a highly recommended hotel. We visited the General de Gaulle memorial on the way home. memorial Charles de Gaulle |
Time to go home
As always we will be back (soon).