Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lot 2014

Another good trip to France a week in the Lot and then a few days near Lyon with a slow run       home via hotel stops.

Here we go again
Friday evening stop
Base for the week (you could of course camp if you like that kind of thing!)
Chris (eldest son who lives in France called in to see us) and Thomas
Bears + Hedgy
Nick and Landy
Ready for breakfast

 Post evening repast


Thomas at the Truffe

                                                                       Me at the Truffe
                                                               Nick       Me      Thomas
    Me ready for a ride in a great cycling area. If I could find a local gliding club to fly with what       more  could I want.
Thomas and helicopter

                                                                       BBQ time
                                                                  Fun on the river

                                            Sue holding position while we look at a cave
                                                                   Sue in Gramat
                                                                         Milking time
Steve who joined us (briefly) seen here heading over the wire to freedom????
Run forest run :-)

Nick at the Biel

                                            The source Salmiere (abandoned) 300M from base house.

                                                                             Crazy golf

Cabouy and below

Sue and Maureen Igue hunting
Map reading (checking out the nearest patisserie)

Gary in the Machpied
Second week heading over to see Chris and Maud (well Chris did visit us:-)

                                                                 Maud, Chris  and Sue

                                    A visit to the Facteur Cheval Ideal Palace well worth a visit
                                                                     Facteur Cheval

Alf ?

Hotel stop on the way home
Sue and Alice
 Hotel source bleue

Resurgence Source Bleue under the scum the bluest water I have ever seen
 View from are room ( we had  a nice eight course meal in the restaurant) a highly recommended hotel.

 We  visited the General de Gaulle memorial on the way home.
memorial Charles de Gaulle

                                                                   Time to go home

As always we will be back (soon).
